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Cougar Sports | Winter Teams



Like the fall sports season, Elm Middle School's winter season is divided into two parts.

From late November to late January, students can participate in boys basketball, cheerleading and pom­s. In the second part of the season, from early February to mid­-March, girls basketball and Scholastic Bowl take center stage.

How It's Organized

Both the boys and girls basketball programs maintain two teams each: a 6th/7th­-grade JV team and an 8th-­grade varsity team, maximizing the opportunities for our younger students to develop their skills.

Scholastic Bowl also features 6th/7th-grade JV and 8th-grade varsity teams.

Cheerleading follows the boys basketball schedule throughout the regular season and postseason, while poms performances are held at boys home games.

First Half of Winter Season

  • Basketball | Boys
  • Cheerleading
  • Pom­s

Second Half of Winter Season

  • Basketball | Girls
  • Scholastic Bowl