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Eligibility & Participation

Elm boys softball player



To play interscholastic sports for Elm Middle School, students must meet the medical, academic, attendance and behavior requirements listed below.

Medical Requirements

Before a student may try out for any of our sports teams, he or she must have a valid and current physical form on file in the nurse’s office.

Elm uses the Pre-Participation Physical Form recommended by both the Illinois High School Association and the Illinois Elementary School Association:

One valid physical exam form is sufficient for the entire school year. Students do not need to take a separate physical for each sport they play.

Students must also submit a signed copy of the required Concussion Information Sheet.

One signed copy of the information sheet is sufficient for the entire school year.

Academic Requirements

In order to be eligible to participate in any school-­sponsored or school-supported athletic or extracurricular activity, a student may not be failing any one class.

Any Elm student­-athlete who does not meet this academic standard will be notified of the failing grade and will have one week to bring the grade up. Grades are checked weekly.

Students who are still failing after a week will be declared ineligible for a minimum of one week and will not be eligible again until the deficient grade has been remedied.

Furthermore, any student who is ineligible for any two­-week period (out of an eight­-week season) may be dismissed from the team.

Attendance Requirements

Absence from school on the date of the designated activity due to illness or unexcused reasons will exclude students from participation in that activity.

Students with a medical excuse must be in attendance for at least one-half of a school day to participate in an athletic contest.

Behavior Requirements

Students in District 401 must adhere to the Conduct Code that governs participants in D401 extracurricular activities. Extreme misbehavior or disrespect toward teachers or peers may result in exclusion from activities.

In addition, a significant number of detentions or any suspensions may result in exclusion from activities.

Coaches reserve the right to impose additional eligibility requirements on their students. The Elm administration will coordinate eligibility within the school building.