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Board Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

January 22, 2024 Board Meeting

Public Participation

About our Board Meetings

The participation of District 401 residents, employees and other members of the public in Board of Education open meetings is governed by District Policy 2:230 as well as by the Illinois Open Meetings Act and all other applicable legal requirements.


Individuals appearing before the Board are expected to observe the following guidelines:

  1. Address the Board only at the appropriate time as indicated on the agenda and when recognized by the Board President.
  2. Complete the form "Request to Address" prior to the start of the meeting and deliver it to the Superintendent. The Board President will recognize presenters during the public comment section of the meeting agenda.
  3. Identify oneself and be brief. Ordinarily, comments shall be limited to 5 minutes. In unusual circumstances, and when an individual has made a request in advance to speak for a longer period of time, the individual may be allowed to speak for more than five minutes.
  4. Observe the Board President's decision to shorten public comment to conserve time and give the maximum number of individuals an opportunity to speak.
  5. Observe the Board President's decision to determine procedural matters regarding public participation not otherwise covered in Board policy.
  6. Conduct oneself with respect and civility toward others and otherwise abide by Board Policy 8:30, concerning conduct on school property.

Meeting Minutes, Notices & Agendas